InData members are committed to work towards the objectives of the InData Working Group and support its activities.
Further details about the databases operated by our members can be found in this document.
Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development
Chair of the InData Working Group: Tanja Brockmann
The Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR) is a departmental research institution under the portfolio of the German Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community (BMI).
EPD Danmark
EPD Danmark is the Danish EPD Programme Operator. It was established in the 2014 and publishes 3rd party verified EPDs for construction products on their website. The EPD programme works for a consistent level of quality and content of EPDs in Europe as well as the availability of its services for small and medium sized enterprises.
EPD Italy
EPDItaly is the Italian Program Operator. The Companies publish their EPDs on www.epditaly.it obtaining international visibility and communicating to the market, in a clear and transparent way, the environmental impacts of their products and services.
maki Consulting GmbH
maki Consulting offers life cycle method related services at the interface between industry and policy, and particularly in the context of the European Commission’s Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) and it’s International Reference Life Cycle Data System (ILCD) Handbook and ILCD / LCDN Data Network (including the ILCD data format), both of which we have technically lead from 2005 to 2012 while working at the Commission’s JRC. We continue supporting the PEF in various projects for industry associations and individual companies, government bodies, and for other consulting companies ever since, while also having a good standing related to EN 15804 in different roles.
IBO – Austrian Institute for Healthy and Ecological Building
The IBO is an independent, non-profit, scientific association that investigates the interactions between people, buildings and the environment. The limited company IBO Ltd. provides technical consultancy e.g. in the form of life cycle assessment in order to accelerate the development of ecological architecture.
The Department of the Built Environment (BUILD) is a part of Aalborg University (AAU) and is Denmark’s largest department in construction, civil engineering, and the built environment. Our research is embedded deeply in the field of engineering, however, also contains important elements from the social science and humanities. This allows us to research, advise, and educate in a holistic approach to the complex issues of the urban, residential and construction areas. Further, we are the developer of LCAbyg since 2015, which is a well-known and acknowledged LCA tool for buildings in Denmark. Recently LCAbyg was also developed to the Norwegian standards
Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V.
IBU - Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V. operates a cross-sectoral environmental declaration program for construction products. IBU's EPD program stands for reliable LCA data in strict accordance with European and international standards.
Oliver Kusche Research & Consulting
As a founding member of InData, Oliver Kusche Research & Consulting provides technical services and advice to InData members and supports the working group in achieving its goal of enabling seamless international data exchange and interoperability.
The International EPD® System
Since the publication of the first EPD in 1999, the global database of the International EPD® System has been continuously growing to become one of the largest in the world. Today, the database contains of EPDs from organizations from all over the world covering a broad range of product categories.
The Norwegian EPD Foundation
The Norwegian EPD Foundation (EPD-Norway) is organized by a board and a secretariat supported by a Technical Committee (TC) and an EPD Forum. The Norwegian EPD Foundation was established in 2002 by the Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise (NHO) and the Federation of Norwegian Building Industries (BNL).
PRé Sustainability
The Netherlands
At PRé, we help companies turn sustainability strategy into action, through consulting services, training and software solutions based on life cycle thinking. Organizations reach out to us to measure, improve and communicate their sustainability performance. With our assistance, you will be able to develop effective strategies and integrate sustainability in your supply chain, product development or organization. SimaPro is our flagship product: a leading life cycle assessment software for informed change-makers. Built on robust science, it provides fact-based insights to help you drive sustainable change.
IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute
IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute is Sweden’s first and oldest environmental research institute. IVL is owned by SIVL Foundation for IVL (SIVL) and is a non-for profit organization. We work with applied research and consultancy to promote ecologically, economically, and socially sustainable growth within business and society at large. Our research is funded partly by the Swedish government and the Swedish business sector, and partly through appropriations granted by national and international research bodies.
Sphera Solutions GmbH
Sphera is the leading provider of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) performance and risk management software, data and consulting services focusing on Environment, Health, Safety & Sustainability (EHS&S), Operational Risk Management (ORM), Product Stewardship and Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM).
Torroja Institute for Construction Science
The Eduardo Torroja Institute for Construction Science (IETcc), a body of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), is a research and scientific-technical support centre in the field of construction and building materials. Also, it provides technical support to the construction sector and transfers know-how.